Brampton, ON – Dr. DeVita is the author of Saving Face: The Scentsable Way to Wrinkle-Free Skin. In Saving Face: The Scentsable Way to Wrinkle-Free Skin, readers will discover the ancient secrets to healthy, youthful, vibrant skin while aging gracefully. They’ll learn the latest anti-aging breakthroughs in saving your face from wrinkles, aging and sagging skin, puffiness, deep lines and facial problems by using a holistic, eco-green way to beauty. “It really is about saving face on many different levels: emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, and of course nutritionally,” says Dr. DeVita. “I often say, ‘Face yourself to Save your Face!” Enjoy the interview, link below
The search for eternal youth, beauty and wellness has been with humankind for ages and is still a driving force today. It is a billion dollar industry!
When I wrote this book many years ago, I was determined to include the detrimental effects from the vast array of toxic chemicals used in facial and personal care products. Why did I bother? I wasn't a chemist, or any scientist, but a woman consumer who was reacting quite negatively to what I was putting on my skin. I have been a long time environmentalist and an advocate for cleaner living for years after suffering from extreme environmental sensitivities that led to my illness in the 1980’s. At that time, it was also known as ecological illness or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). I experienced a host of symptoms such as: brain fog, fatigue, depression, headaches, red burning eyes, body pains, listlessness, malaise and skin break-outs. Not only did it dramatically change my life path but it also turned my attention to natural healing methods. I knew it was important to enlighten women of safer and healthier ways to beauty. It also led to my researching a new phenomenon, called "Brain Allergies", at the time at the University of Toronto in search for my own healing. In my discovery of the toxic chemicals used in our everyday personal care products and cosmetics, I understood why I was reacting to my allergy medications, to many of my foods, including my drinking water, and to airborne contaminants and pollutants.
Unfortunately, there are too many who are not aware that the unregulated cosmetic and personal care industry has left us with a complex chemical soup that is devastating to our lives and our planet, all too often in the name of beauty.
The average woman is exposed to 500 harsh chemicals a day and 80 of those exposures happen before breakfast. Skin absorbs 60-70% of what we apply topically.
Let's learn about six common toxic substances that are found in most commercial cosmetics. Chances are, these things are in your makeup bag right now!
What harsh ingredients are in your makeup?
PARABENS (METYL, PROPYL, ETHYL, BUTYL): Parabens are chemicals that have been used since the 1950s to prevent bacteria and act as a preservative in deodorants, lotions, lipsticks, shampoos, scrubs, and more. Parabens can mimic estrogen and act as potential hormone (endocrine) system disruptors in the body’s cells. Parabens have been found present in breast tumors and are possibly linked to breast cancer.
TALC: Talc is a mineral substance made up of mainly magnesium, silicon and oxygen used in a variety of cosmetic and personal care products such as baby powder, body and shower products, lotions, feminine hygiene products, eye shadow, foundation, lipstick, deodorants and face masks. Some talc may contain the known carcinogen asbestos, therefore it should be avoided in powders and other personal care products. Third, let's discuss BISMUTH:
BISMUTH OXYCHLORIDE – heavy element found in nickel, tin, silver. Gives shimmer, pearl appearance- hides flaws, adds radiant glow and is dirt-cheap! Causes skin irritation and redness! Bismuth Oxychloride is a naturally occurring heavy element found in nickel, tin and silver that’s primarily used to manufacture metal by-products. It’s used in cosmetics because it has a distinct shimmery, pearlescent appearance and a fine white powder texture that adheres well to the skin.
Many cosmetic companies use bismuth because it hides flaws, adds a radiant glow to the face and is a dirt-cheap filler! It also has binding qualities, so the make-up will “stick” to your skin and last all day.
What may surprise you even more is that bismuth resembles arsenic chemically, yet it is commonly found in many cosmetics. Many women will experience itchiness when wearing products containing bismuth, most noticeably when they sweat. This can often lead to nasty rashes and severe acne. Also, we can’t forget Bismuth is also akin to arsenic. If you’ve been wearing mineral makeup, you may be experiencing irritation or breakouts due to the Bismuth in this makeup!
LEAD - SERIOUSLY?!: Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth's crust. Although it is natural, it’s NOT SAFE for human consumption. Lead is a known carcinogen (meaning it causes cancer). It can be in your cosmetics and personal care products and DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO BE LISTED ON THE LABEL. That is because it's not an ingredient, but rather a contaminant. The FDA has determined a "healthy lead contamination level" is acceptable in cosmetics and personal care products. Isn't that nice? Except when you apply those products every day, several times per day. On the FDA's website it states that 99% OF ALL COSMETICS CONTAIN LEAD
MERCURY: Mercury is poison. It is a known toxin. Although Mercury is a natural element found in the earth’s crust (often in regions with volcanic activity) its natural status doesn’t mean it’s safe. Repeated or serious exposure to mercury can severely damage the nervous system including psychotic reactions, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies and delirium. Mercury exposure can also lead to violent muscular spasms, nervousness, irritability, tremors, weakness, fatigue, memory loss, changes in vision, hearing, or taste, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney damage and even death. When it enters the body, it is stored in the kidneys, blood, spleen, brain, liver, bones and fatty tissues. Mercury is terrible for anyone but it is especially dangerous for pregnant or nursing women. Breast milk can become contaminated and in utero exposure to mercury has been attributed to an increase in neural tube defects.
MINERAL OIL: Mineral Oil (also called “liquid petroleum”) is any of various colorless, odorless, light mixtures of higher alkanes from a mineral source, particularly a distillate of petroleum. Most often, mineral oil is a liquid by-product of refining crude oil to make gasoline and other petroleum products. Mineral oil is a common ingredient in baby lotions, cold creams, ointments and cosmetics. Researchers stated, “There is strong evidence that Mineral Oil hydrocarbons are the greatest contaminant of the human body.” There was a scientific study that removed fat specimens from women who underwent cesarean sections, and also collected milk samples from the women after delivery. They found that both fat and milk samples were contaminated with Mineral Oil saturated hydrocarbons—and stated that these compounds likely accumulated over time from repeated exposure.
Watch Dangers of Cosmetics impacting you and your family
The Story of Cosmetics examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo.
What can you do?
What Can You Use Instead?
Watch Clean Beauty
“Savvy Minerals by Young Living provides women with cosmetics that empower them in their own unique and natural beauty. Confidence without compromise.” — Young Living